Mini Mover DMX Settings

Using any universal DMX controller, you have full control over pan, tilt, color, speed, and dimming features. Unfortunately, does not provide technical support for DMX features, but for Advanced users, here's the info from the official user manual:

The fixtures can assign the DMX address remotely through your controller. Program two scenes into a chase, then link the fixtures to the controller. When you run the chase, all the fixtures of the chain will set the addresses automatically. If your having trouble and you need to set the address yourself the first 4 fixtures should be: 1, 5, 9, 13.

5 channel mode

Channel Value Function
CH1 0-255 PAN
CH2 0-255 TILT
CH3 0-255 PAN/TILT speed from fast to slow
CH4 0-255 COLOR